Morbid Match [Short, 2016]

Best friends share secrets. But not all of them. Especially not the dark ones. Bill Ryan is confounded when he hears about the sudden death of his friend Leon Curry. Who brutally murdered his best friend? And why was Leon killed in such a lugubrious way? In an attempt to reconstruct the last days of Leon’s life, Bill Ryan finds out that friends can be strangers too.

Ameizan [Short, 2016]

A boy’s dream. And apparently a girl’s dream too. Travelling into space to be the first to explore new worlds. When scientists find mysterious rings around a new discovered star and intercept communication; it is a given fact. These are the first true signs of intelligent life. A discovery of unknown alien life offering many talented people the chance of a lifetime. Go wide young man! But be prepared; things may go wrong. Murphy that!