The Bonding [ Short, 2016]

Always a bit scary. Life after death. You either believe in it, or you don't. That's up to you. it? This Twisted Tale is about the bond between a grandmother and her grandchild. A bond they never had until grandma passed away...

Genre: Short Fiction 416041001
Language: English.
Other languages: Nederlands 'Banden'.
Finished: 10 April, 2016.
Author: Eduard Meinema
Words: 7372.
IRC updated: 10 April, 2016.


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Always a bit scary. Life after death. You either believe in it, or you don't. That's up to you. it?This Twisted Tale is about the bond between a grandmother and her grandchild. A bond they never had until grandma passed away...


When does it really end? I mean really, really end? Is dead really 'dead', or is there something more? The eternal question. It makes you wonder. So did I and, well... I ended up with this little fantasy I had to write down.

List of characters

Characters alphabetical by last name. Nicknames and characters only known by their first name or their last name, are given underneath this list. Unnamed characters are not listed!
  • Robin Cook - Police officer
  • Angela (Angie) Dillinger - mother
  • Francis Dillinger - grandmother
  • Wilson Dillinger - protagonist
  • Glenn Hall - Sheriff
  • Kelly Stuart - Wilson's girlfriend
  • Rhonda - notary's assistant
  • John - cemetery employee
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